Iowa was built by people dreaming about owning their businesses and sustaining a good life for their families. Becoming an entrepreneur can be a reality for many people when they take the right steps toward building a solid foundation.
MDC Iowa's INCUBATE and Microlending program targets the emerging, small, and mid-market businesses owned and operated (51%) by low-income or historically marginalized people. Small-dollar and microlending funds for business purposes, startup, recovery, or expansion, including marketing, websites, social media, point-of-sale systems, purchase of equipment and fixtures, inventory, working capital, and improvements.
Small-Dollar Loan Features:
$500 minimum / $2,500 maximum loan
Maximum Term: 2 years with the possibility to renew
Interest rate: 5% APR
Credit Bureau Reporting to establish or improve credit
Streamlined application process
Credit Builder Loan Features:
Loan amount: $500
Term: 12-month
Interest rate: 10% APR
Report payments to establish or improve credit
Credit monitoring coach
Orientation for free credit monitoring website access
Microloan Features:
$5,000 minimum / $50,000 maximum loan
Max term loan length up to 6 years
Interest rate: 5% APR
Credit Bureau Reporting to establish or improve credit
Streamlined online application process
Technical Assistance grants for approved expenses
Community Lending Loan Features:
Loan amount: up to $1,500
Term: 6-month, biweekly monthly payments
Interest rate: 5% APR
Report payments to establish or improve credit
Group-lending model builds peer support network
Savings program builds assets and stability

No Interest Emergency Loans
Online Application Coming Soon!

Small Business Small-Dollar-Loans

Community Lending Loans

Small Business Start-up Loans
Online Application Coming Soon!

Consumer Credit Builder Loans

Small Business Microloans